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Classification Anatomy Locomotion Predation Reproduction Venomous Snakes Non Venomous Snakes Importance of Snakes







     Small snakes feed on insects and larger ones on proportionately larger animals. Their teeth are designed for catching and holding prey, but not for chewing. The construction of the jaws, the ribs, and the expandable skin enable them to swallow very large prey whole. Some snakes capture animals by pinning them to the ground; some - the constrictors - crush them by wrapping their bodies around them and squeezing; still others - the venomous snakes -inject poison into their victims.


      The poison, or venom , is produced by modified salivary glands from which it passes through either a groove or a hollow bore in the fangs, the enlarged, specialized teeth found in venomous snakes. A snake may bite a person when threatened or alarmed; if the snake is venomous the bite can sometimes prove fatal. Only by familiarity with the appearance of particular species, or by examination of the fangs, can the venomous snakes be distinguished from the harmless ones.






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