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Reptelian Records


All the amazing records of the reptilean world . . .

  • Largest Snake (bulk): Green Anaconda 27 ft , 400-550 pounds

  • Longest Snake: Reticulated Python
  • Longest snake ever recorded: 11.5 meter green anaconda from South America (Oliver 1958 and Gilmore and Murphy 1993). Some biologists dispute this and consider the maximum length to be only bout 9 to 9.5 meters.
  • Longest snake in Africa: The African Rock Python; One individual reached a length of 9.75 meters.
  • The largest Python ever recorded: a reticulated python, length of 10.1 meters.
  • Longest pet snake: The most popular 'giant' snake is the Indian Python (Python molurus). The longest snake on record reached a length of 5.8 meters.
  • Longest Australian snake: Scrub pythong (Morelia amethystina); one of which reached a length of 8.5 meters.
  • Smallest Snake:  Brahminy species of the blind snakes

  • Largest pit viper: Bushmaster
  • Fastest Snake: Black Mamba,16 - 19Kmh (10 - 12 mph), Man = 10 - 11Kmh (6 - 7mph)
  • Most Poisonous Snake: King cobra
  • World's Longest Venomous Snake: The King Cobra (avg-3.7 m(12 ft) to 5.5 m (18 ft)
  • The greatest age known for any snake: under 30 years(anaconda and the black-lipped cobra)
  • Longest snake in eastern North America: Gopher snake
  • The farthest north of any venomous snake:  The common addar or common European viper
  • Largest in the western hemisphere:  Anaconda
  • Western Diamondback Rattle Snake: The largest venomous snake in the United States.
  • Greatest Age for a snake: The greatest age known for any snake is just under 30 years, attained by both the anaconda and the black-lipped cobra.
  • Northernmost species of snake in the world: The Garter Snake





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