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Bamboo pit viper

Bamboo Pit viper


Scientific Name: Trimeresurus gramineus


Nick Name: Asian lance-headed vipers, bamboo vipers




Appearance: They are typically green in color, but some species also have yellow, black, orange or red markings


Type of Venom: Their venom varies between species in toxicity, but all are primarily hemotoxic and considered to be medically significant to humans.


Nature: Most are relatively small, primarily arboreal species, with thin bodies and prehensile tails.

Distribution: Southeast Asia from India to southern China and Japan, and the Malay Archipelago to Timor.[




Feeds on: Their diet includes a variety of other animals, including rodents, lizards, amphibians and birds


Side Line:

  • Like most viper species, they are ovoviviparous.






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