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Bronzebacked tree snake


bronzebacked tree snake


Scientific Name: Dendrelaphis tristis



  • Adult: 1 m
  • When Born: 15 cm
  • Maximum: 1.5m


Type: Non Venomous Snake


Appearance: It is a long slender snake with a bronze colored line running down its back. It has a pointed head and a pair of large eyes. On sides it has a dark bronze or blackish coloration. The underside of the snake is whitish gray or greenish in color. The baby snakes are very similar to the adults as far as the coloration is concerned, however they do have some small cross bands on their back for a year or so. There are 8 species of this snake in India.


Nature:  These are really vigilant snakes. They are most active during the day. Even in the hottest of summers, they are known to be very much active. It broadens it neck to show white and bluish in coloration when disturbed. They will bite when caught, but will calm down if handled carefully. They have no fear of falling from the tree tops, in fact they are known to jump from branch to branch and are even known to jump on ground from a height of 10 - 20 meters !


Distribution: Including the Andaman and Nicobar islands, in India this snake is found every where. Even in the great Himalayas it is found till an altitude of 2000 mts from sea level. This snake is also found in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal.


Habitat: They prefer low bushes and thorny trees and  gracefully moves through thick vegetation. It is known to live in spiny bushes and trees.


Feeds on: Feeds mainly on tree geckos, frogs and small birds.


Reproduction: The female snake lays around 6 long slender eggs in the hollow barks of the tree or even in old abandoned nests of birds. Once in china a female bronzeback tree snake laid 7 eggs on April 6 and the babies hatched out on May 30


Status: Common


Side Lines:

  • There are several stupid beliefs about this snake. In villages, uneducated people say that after killing a person, this snake climbs up trees and watches his body burning (In Hinduism, dead bodies are cremated). This snake is totally non - venomous and can not kill any one by any means.





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