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Scientific Name: Agkistrodon piscivorus


Nick Name: Water Moccasin




Appearance: Colors are variable. Adults are uniformly olive brown or black. The young and subadults are strongly crossbanded with dark brown.


Type of Venom: Cottonmouth venom is hemotoxic and potent. Bites are prone to gangrene.


Nature: These dangerous semiaquatic snakes closely resemble harmless water snakes that have the same habitat. Therefore, it is best to leave all water snakes alone. Cottonmouths often stand their ground. An aroused cottonmouth will draw its head close to its body and open its mouth showing its white interior.


         A recent research carried out revealed that these snakes do not deserve all that bad reputation they have got, many adult cottenmouths ran away rather than strike when approached, even when they stepped right next to it, it didn even try to bite. When they picked it up by using a prosthetic hand, it bit, but it was a dry bite (a bite with less or no venom). This shows that the snake just wanted to escape rather than bite or kill anyone.

Distribution: Southeast Virginia, west central Alabama, south Georgia, Illinois, east central Kentucky, south central Oklahoma, Texas, North and South Carolina, Florida, and the Florida Keys.


Habitat: Found in swamps, lakes, rivers, and ditches.


Feeds on:


Side Line:

  • In North American regions some religions carryout unusual practices, where they handle snakes very casually. It has been stated in the holy bible the Jesus Christ himself told his followers that if they have faith in God, they will be able to handle Serpents. So they take deadly pit vipers like Copper heads in bare hands at shout slogans " In the Name of Jesus". Less than 100 bites have been reported till now during such practices. There are reports that they even handle the deadly cottenmouths and the rattle snakes !!!





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