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Death adder




Scientific Name: Acanthophis antarcticus


Nick Name: Deaf adder


Size: Average 45 centimeters, maximum 90 centimeters


Appearance: Reddish, yellowish, or brown color with distinct dark brown cross bands. The end of its tail is black, ending in a hard spine. They have a wide flat head tapering to a blunt snout, with a thin neck. The body fat tapers abruptly to a thin, curved spine at the end of it's tail. Its back colours vary widely from light brown to reddish and black. The belly is a creamy grey with pink or brown blotches.


Potency of Venom: a powerful neurotoxin


Nature: It is nocturnal, hiding by day and coming out to feed at night.


Distribution: Australia, New Guinea, and Moluccas.


Habitat: Usually found in arid regions, fields, and wooded lands.


Feeds on:


Side Line:

  • Although it has the appearance of a viper, it is related to the cobra family.
  • causes mortality in about 50 percent of the victims, even with treatment.
  • The Death Adder is the least nervous of our venomous snakes, but its placid nature makes it all the more dangerous. Instead of slipping away at the approach of a human, it lies motionless.For that reason it used to be called the "deaf" adder.
  • Death Adder also give birth to a live litter, usually of 15-20





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