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Dog-faced Watersnake


dog faced water snake


Scientific Name: Cerberus rhynchops



  • Adult: 60 cm
  • Average: 1.25 m (Female)

Type: Non Venomous Snake


Appearance:  This snake has got its eyes and big nostrils some what on top of its head. It is brwonish in coloration. Some times it may bear slight bright cross bands on its body. These lines start around the eye region and extend farther on its back. The under side of this snake has specific black and white markings.


Nature: These are predominantly nocturnal snakes. They are also spotted during the day. Near coastal regions, these snakes are known to hide in small holes made by crabs and under the crevices of stones. They are known to put there head out of such holes waiting for the prey to come near by. When swimming under water, the snake sticks its tongue out of its mouth. They are swift swimmers. When its on gound, if it is threatened it jumps in all directions and tries to confuse the predator and run away as soon as possible.


Distribution:  There are 6 species of this snake in India.


Habitat: Mangrove forests, muddy and stony regions, agricultural fields.


Feeds on: It feeds on many types of fishes including the Tilapia (T mosambicus) and cat fish. It feeds on frogs as well.


Reproduction: This snake gives birth to 6 - 30 young ones during the month of February to May. The young ones live around one another just for a week or so.


Status: It has barely escaped extinction. Continuous pollution around the coastal region and destruction of forest regions including the mangros has a lot of bad effects on the survival of this snake. According to M A Smith, it is a rarely found species of snake. Though in India it is available in plenty.





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