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Eastern diamondback rattlesnake


eastern diamondback rattlesnake


Scientific Name: Crotalus adamanteus


Nick Name:


Size: Average 1.4 meters, maximum 2.4 meters.


Appearance: Diamonds are dark brown or black, outlined by a row of cream or yellowish scales. Ground color is olive to brown.


Type of Venom: Its venom is potent hemotoxin and Neurotoxin. So incase you get a bite, you are not only at a risk to lose your limb or hand but you may lose your life in no time !


Nature: Large individual snakes can have fangs that measure 2.5 centimeters in a straight line. This species has a sullen disposition, ready to defend itself when threatened.


Distribution: Coastal areas of North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, and the Florida Keys.


Habitat: Found in palmettos and scrubs, swamps, pine woods, and flatwoods. It has been observed swimming many miles out in the Gulf of Mexico, reaching some of the islands off the Florida coast.


Feeds on:


Side Line:

  • Eastern Diamondback rattle snake injects 5 times more venom than the Cottenmouth or the Water moccasin and 10 times more venom than the American Copperhead !!!

  • In North American regions some religions carryout unusual practices, where they handle snakes very casually. It has been stated in the holy bible the Jesus Christ himself told his followers that if they have faith in God, they will be able to handle Serpents. So they take deadly pit vipers like Copper heads in bare hands at shout slogans " In the Name of Jesus". Less than 100 bites have been reported till now during such practices. There are reports that they even handle the deadly cottenmouths and the rattle snakes !!!

  • The largest venomous snake in the United States. Large individual snakes can have fangs that measure 2.5 centimeters in a straight line.

  • This species has a sullen disposition, ready to defend itself when threatened. Its venom is potent and hemotoxic, causing great pain and damage to tissue.





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