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Scientific Name: Bothrops atrox


Nick Name: Lance Head snake, Golden Lance head


Size: Average 1.4 meters, maximum 2.4 meters.


Appearance: Variable coloration, from gray to olive, brown, or reddish, with dark triangles edged with light scales. Triangles are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.


Type of Venom: hemotoxic, painful, and hemorrhagic (causing profuse internal bleeding). The venom causes massive tissue destruction.


Nature: Very Aggressive


Distribution: Southern Mexico, throughout Central and South America.


Habitat: Found on cultivated land and farms, often entering houses in search of rodents.


Feeds on: Small birds and mammals.


Side Line:

  • The female fer-de-lance is highly prolific, producing up to 60 young born with a dangerous bite.
  • People often mistake Fer De Lance for the boas which have very similar pattern and try to pick them up; thats when it gets worse.
  • A highly dangerous snake with a very bad reputation, thanks to higher mortality rates associated with snake bites from these species.





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