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Green Tree Python

Green Tree Python


Scientific Name: Chondropython viridis


Nick Name:


Size: length: 6.5 feet (Adult on avg)


Appearance: These constrictors are leaf green with flecks of blue, white or yellow with a broken stripe of yellow or white down the back. The head is so large it looks disproportionate to the width of the body. The crown of the head is covered with small, irregular scales.





  • Arboreal, rests on horizontal branch coiled in a series of folded loops with head always resting in the center

  • Hunt in trees

  • Similar habits to emerald tree boa, although not closely related


  • female lays approximately 15 eggs on the forest floor

  • within a few days of hatching the bright yellow young seek refuge in the trees

Distribution: New Guinea and adjacent islands, Cape York Peninsula, Australia and Aru Island


Habitat: Rainforest


Feeds on: mostly small mammals and reptiles, some birds





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