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Green keelback


green keelback



Scientific Name: Macropisthodon plumbicolor



  • Adult: 55 cm
  • When Born: 7.5 cm
  • Maximum: 80 cm

Type: Non Venomous Snake


Appearance:  It is bright green in color. Body bears small dark black stripes. It has a distinctive V marking on its neck and head. When the snake is threatened, this marking region flattens like a hood. It has medium-sized keels on its body. The head is broad and bears large eyes. The under side of the body is grayish white. The baby snakes are bright in color.


Nature: Very little is known about this snake. Just like most snakes, it flattens its head and gets itself folded into 'S' shape when threatened. According to M A Smith, the snake is totally in offensive and can be easily kept as a pet.


Distribution: In India they can be found up to an elevation of 1500 mts.


Habitat: Forested region, plains


Feeds on:  They love to feed on frogs


Reproduction: The female snake lays around 12 eggs. The young ones bear bright coloration till they are around 8 months old. They also posses black spots on the body and even stripes. The V mark on the head is prominent.


Status: The population of this species of snake is not that big but still it is seen in a wide range of habitats and regions. The forest regions where they love to inhabit are being destructed at alarming rates.





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