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Green tree pit viper


Green pit viper


Scientific Name: Trimeresurus gramineus


Nick Name:


Size: Average 45 centimeters, maximum 75 centimeters.


Appearance: Uniform bright or dull green with light yellow on the facial lips.


Type of Venom: 


Nature: A small arboreal snake of some importance, though not considered a deadly species. It is a dangerous especially because of the fact that most of its bites are reported to occur on the head, shoulder, and neck areas of the victims. It seldom comes to the ground.

Distribution: India, Burma, Malaya, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Indonesia, and Formosa.


Habitat:  Found in dense rain forests and plantations.


Feeds on: It feeds on young birds, lizards, and tree frogs.


Side Line:





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