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Habu pit viper


habu pit viper


Scientific Name: Trimeresurus flavoviridis


Nick Name:


Size: Average 1 meter, maximum 1.5 meters.


Appearance: Light brown or olive-yellow with black markings and a yellow or greenish-white belly.


Type of Venom: Its venom is hemotoxic, causing pain and considerable tissue damage.


Nature:  This snake is responsible for biting many humans and its bite could be fatal. It is an irritable species ready to defend itself.


Distribution: Okinawa and neighboring islands and Kyushu.


Habitat:  Found in a variety of habitats, ranging from lowlands to mountainous regions. Often encountered in old houses and rock walls surroundings buildings.


Feeds on:


Side Line:

  • In one of the shows telecasted on Natinal Geographic channel, i came to know bout this snake for the first time. I got to know that this is the most feared snake of Japan.

  • People are so much scared bout this snake that they keep big sticks for killing these snakes in every corner of the street. So when you visit Japan and see one of such designed sticks, you should comprehend that you're entering the Habus territory.

  • Well, the people have every reason to fear, especiall when this snake can give an excrutiating pain and considerable tissue dammage. Lot of people have been bitten by these snakes.

  • These snakes are killed with no mercy. They organize some shows where the defanged snakes are put in a cage along with Mangoose, which kills it as easily as it can get.





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