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Levant viper


levant viper


Scientific Name: Vipera lebetina


Nick Name:


Size: Average 1 meter, maximum 1.5 meters.


Appearance: Gray to pale brown with large dark brown spots on the top of the black and has a mark on top of the head.


Type of Venom:  Its venom is hemotoxic.


Nature: It is a strong snake with an irritable disposition; it hisses loudly when ready to strike.

Distribution: Greece, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Afghanistan, lower portion of the former USSR, and Saudi Arabia.


Habitat: Varies greatly, from farmlands to mountainous areas.


Feeds on:


Side Line:

  • This viper belongs to a large group of true vipers. Like its cousins, it is large and dangerous.

  • Many deaths have been reported from bites of this species.





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