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Palestinian viper


palestinian viper


Scientific Name: Vipera palaestinae


Nick Name:


Size: Average 0.8 meter, maximum 1.3 meters.


Appearance: Olive to rusty brown with a dark V-shaped mark on the head and a brown, zigzag band along the back.


Type of Venom:


Nature:  It is active and aggressive at night but fairly placid during the day. When threatened or molested, it will tighten its coils, hiss loudly, and strike quickly.

Distribution: Turkey, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, and Jordan.


Habitat: Arid regions, but may be found around barns and stables. It has been seen entering houses in search of rodents.


Feeds on: small mammals, frogs etc


Side Line:

  • The Palestinian viper is closely related to the Russell's viper of Asia. Like its cousin, it is extremely dangerous.





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