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Puff adder




Scientific Name: Bitis arietans


Nick Name:


Size: Average 1.2 meters, maximum 1.8 meters.


Appearance: Yellowish, light brown, or orange with chevron-shaped dark brown or black bars.


Potency of Venom: strongly Haemotoxic, destroying bloods cells and causing extensive tissue damage.


Nature: It is largely nocturnal, hunting at night and seeking shelter during the day's heat. It is not shy when approached. It draws its head close to its coils, makes a loud hissing sound, and is quick to strike any intruder.


Distribution: Most of Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan.


Habitat: Arid regions to swamps and dense forests, more common around human settlements.


Feeds on:


Side Line:

  • The puff adder is the second largest of the dangerous vipers.
  • It is one of the most common snakes in Africa.





P o w e r e d   b y  .  .  .  .

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