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Rhinoceros viper or river jack

Photographed by © Mark Kostich


Rhinoceros viper



Scientific Name: Bitis nasicornis


Nick Name: River Jack


Size:  Average 75 centimeters, maximum 1 meter.


Appearance: Brightly colored with purplish to reddish-brown markings and black and light olive markings along the back. On its head it has a triangular marking that starts at the tip of the nose. It has a pair of long horns (scales) on the tip of its nose.


Type of Venom: Its venom is neurotoxic and hemotoxic.


Nature:  It has an irritable disposition. It is not aggressive but will stand its ground ready to strike if disturbed.

Distribution: Equatorial Africa.


Habitat: Rain forests, along waterways, and in swamps.


Feeds on:


Side Line:

  • Its appearance is awesome; its horns and very rough scales give it a sinister look.

rhinoceros viper or river jack





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