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Ursini's viper


ursini's viper


Scientific Name: Vipera ursinii


Nick Name:


Size: Average 45 centimeters, maximum 90 centimeters.


Appearance: The common adder, long-nosed adder, and Ursini's viper basically have the same coloration and dorsal zigzag pattern. The exception among these adders is that the common adder and Ursini's viper lack the projection of tiny scales on the tip of the nose.


Type of Venom:  Their venom is hemotoxic. Although rare, deaths from the bites of these vipers have been recorded.


Nature:  These little vipers have an irritable disposition. They will readily strike when approached.

Distribution: Most of Europe, Greece, Germany, Yugoslavia, France, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania.


Habitat: Meadows, farmlands, rocky hillsides, and open, grassy fields.


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