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Variegated or Russell's kukri


variegated kukri


Scientific Name: Oligodon taeniolatus


Nick Name: Russell's kukri, Streaked Kukuri Snake


Size: maximum of 50 cms.


Type: Non Venomous Snake


Appearance: The Variegated kukri is a thin slender snake. It shows considerable colour.




Distribution:  India (Maharashtra ), Pakistan, Sri Lanka, S Turkmenistan (SW Kopet-Dag), E Iran, Afghanistan.




Feeds on:


Side Line:

  • Kukris are named for their large curved and blade-like posterior teeth.

  • In general most snakes species show some amount of variation in colour and markings, however Oligodon taeniolatus seems to be a master of variation. It takes a trained eye to identify and distinguish separate species, using scale morphology and scale counts to confirm the identification.





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