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Vine snake


vine snake


Scientific Name: Ahaetulla nasutus


Nick Name:



  • Adult: 1m
  • When Born: 20 cm
  • Average: 2 m (Female)


Type: Mildly Venomous Snake


Appearance:  They have a slender but long body with a pointed head. The pointed beak-like nose and the horizontal eye slit is characteristic of these snakes. Its head is the same width as its body. The under side of the body is light green or yellow. When threatened it flattens its entire body to exhibit the white and black color present between the scales. They are so completely blended in their surrounding environment that they are almost invisible.


Nature: Vine snakes are arboreal, and are active during the day and night. During summer, they can be seen forming a huge ball of snakes, where in around 5-6 snakes gather together.


Distribution:  Found all over India, except in the northwest and parts of the Gangetic plain.  They may occur at elevation of about 2500 mts.


Habitat: These snakes prefer low bushes and trees.


Feeds on: The vine snake feeds mainly on baby birds and lizards. When threatened, the vine snake puffs up the front of its body and releases coloration under its scales; for camouflage, it swings from side to side like branch of a tree.


Side Line:

  • It is a common and untrue myth that these snakes peck at the eyes of people to blind them.

  • It has sharp rear fangs.

  • The vine snake is a slow-moving predator and mildly venomous. The snake captures prey by crawling into nests and seizing young; it then constricts prey and poisons it with its venom.

  • Within the branches of trees, the vine snake is almost indistinguishable from foliage and vines.





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